User's guide /

Change control


Automated Notifications

Automated Notifications

The Change Control Suite automatically sends task notifications to users based on deadlines and task statuses. Below are the two key automated notifications configured in the system:

1. Upcoming Task Deadline Reminder - 15 Days

This notification reminds users about tasks that are due in 15 days. The system checks for all unresolved tasks with a due date exactly 15 days from the current date. If a task is found, an email notification is sent to the task assignee and QA Managers. The email contains a table of all the tasks, including important details such as the task ID, change control code (if applicable), task name, status, assignee, and the number of days until the deadline.

  • Frequency: Sent daily.
  • Recipient: Task assignees and QA Managers.
  • Content: A detailed table listing tasks due in exactly 15 days, with buttons to view or manage the tasks.

SQL Function: send_task_notification_15_days_before_deadline

2. Overdue Task Summary - Weekly

This notification is sent every Friday and reminds users of overdue tasks that remain unresolved. The system checks for tasks that are past their due date and have not been marked as "Completed." The email contains a table of overdue tasks, including the task ID, change control code (if applicable), task name, status, assignee, and the amount of time the task has been overdue (in days, hours, or minutes).

  • Frequency: Sent every Friday.
  • Recipient: Task assignees and QA Managers.
  • Content: A detailed table listing overdue tasks, with buttons to view or manage the tasks.

SQL Function: send_task_notification_overdue_friday