User's guide /

Business travel management


Business Trip Stats Update

Business Trip Stats Update

The Business Trip Stats Update functionality ensures accurate tracking of expenses and details for each trip. Updates are triggered automatically when specific data changes, such as:

Key Metrics Updated:

  • Fuel Expenses: Calculated dynamically based on distance, fuel price, and car cost efficiency using the following formula:
    Trip fuel expense = (Distance / 100) * Cost of the car * Fuel price
  • Accommodation Costs: Based on the selected overnight type and the country’s predefined rates.
  • Daily Allowances: Total number of days multiplied by the daily rate for the selected country.

Error Handling:

The system includes validations to avoid conflicting or overlapping business trips and checks for approved vacations or sick leaves during the requested period. If errors occur, detailed messages guide the user in resolving them:

  • Overlapping Trips: Duplicate trip requests for the same employee and dates are rejected with a detailed error message.
  • Vacation Conflicts: Approved vacation or sick leave during the requested period triggers a rejection message.