User's guide /



Processing bank transactions

Tool for marking expenses as paid

This tool enables users to associate bank statements with expense documents and mark both of them as processed. It displays a list of all unprocessed bank statements, organized with the following details:
  • Company Name: The company that issued the payment.
  • Transaction Reference: A full description of the transaction.
  • Amount of the Transaction: The total sum transferred.
  • Currency of the Transaction: The currency used for the transaction.
  • A list of Unpaid and Unprocessed Expenses: Identifies expenses that have not been paid or processed.

Finance -> Unpaid expenses tool

Using the checkboxes located in the 'Expenses' column, the user selects the expense document that will be marked as 'Paid'. After completing the selection, clicking the 'Mark paid' button will initiate the process. This process includes the following steps:

  • Checks if the amount of the bank transaction matches the total amount of the selected expenses. If the amounts do not match, the system will return an error.
  • Changes the status of the bank statement to 'Processed'
  • Changes the status of the selected expense documents to 'Paid' and sets the payment date. 
  • Adds records to the 'Expense payments' submodule (in module "Expenses").
  • Records the transaction in module "Mark paid tool"

Tool for marking income documents as paid

This tool enables users to associate bank statements with income documents and mark both of them as processed. It displays a list of all unprocessed bank statements, organized with the following details:
  • Company Name: The company that issued the payment.
  • Transaction Reference: A full description of the transaction.
  • Amount of the Transaction: The total sum transferred.
  • Currency of the Transaction: The currency used for the transaction.
  • A list of Unpaid and Unprocessed income documents: Identifies expenses that have not been paid or processed.

Finance -> Unpaid invoices tool

Using the checkboxes located in the 'Incvoices' column, the user selects the invoice document that will be marked as 'Paid'. After completing the selection, clicking the 'Mark paid' button will initiate the process. This process includes the following steps:

  • Checks if the amount of the bank transaction matches the total amount of the selected income documents. If the amounts do not match, the system will return an error.
  • Changes the status of the bank statement to 'Processed'
  • Changes the status of the selected income documents to 'Paid' and sets the payment date.
  • Adds records to the 'Payments' submodule (in module "Invoices").
  • Records the transaction in module "Mark paid tool"

Bank taxes

OBS has the capability to identify bank transactions that are bank taxes. After processing each bank statement, the system compares the transaction descriptions against records in the 'Bank tax descriptions' module. If a match is found, the transaction is marked as a bank tax. This process results in the following actions:
  • An expense document covering the amount of the bank tax is created in the 'Expenses' module. This document is categorized under 'Bank taxes'. The cost location selected is either 'Administration' or the first registered cost location. The system generates one expense document for all bank taxes identified for the day.

    Note: You need to create a category under 'Expense and purchase categories' named 'Bank taxes'.

  • The status of the bank statement is changed to 'Processed'.
  • The bank statement is updated by setting the 'Bank tax' flag to true."

Module "Bank statement operations" -> Edit

Module "Bank tax descriptions" -> Edit