User's guide /

Project management





PM Indexes

Module PM Indexes - Projects is used to store information about the project management indexes for each project.

The following indexes are stored in this module on a regular basis: 

  • BAC - Budget at CompletionThe indicator represents the total planned value of the project and is calculated as the sum (∑) of all offered (planned) hours (PV) for all tasks in the project (N). In other words, the index provides information about the entire project budget upon its completion.

  • EAC - Estimate at Completion
    The indicator provides the estimated value of the project upon completion based on the current actual costs – in other words, how much the project is expected to cost upon completion. The indicator is calculated as the ratio between the total planned value of the project (BAC) and the Cost Performance Index (CPI).

  • EV - Earned Value
    The indicator provides information on the value of the work that has actually been completed so far. It is calculated as the sum (∑) of the planned/offered hours (PV) for all closed tasks (n). Formula: ∑PV(n)

  • AC - Actual Cost
    The indicator provides information on all costs incurred so far to achieve a specific WBS element or Task. It is calculated as the sum (∑) of the spent/tracked hours (AC) for all closed tasks (n). Formula: ∑AC(n)

  • PV - Planned Value
    The indicator provides information on the approved budget for the work that is supposed to be completed within a predetermined time for a WBS element or task. It is calculated as the sum (∑) of all planned (offered) hours (PV) for the tasks that should have been completed by the time of the indicator calculation (t). Formula: ∑PV(nt)

  • CPI - Cost Performance Index
    The indicator provides information on the ratio of Earned Value to Actual Cost. It is calculated as the ratio EV / AC, i.e., the ratio of planned hours to spent hours for completed tasks. If the index is >1, it indicates that the project is costing less than planned so far, and savings might be realized upon completion. If the index is <1, it indicates that the project is costing more than planned so far, and it might cost more than anticipated upon completion. Formula: EV/AC

  • EI - Effort Index
    The indicator represents the effort index and shows how effectively the planning was done. The index provides information on the ratio between the planned hours for the tasks that should have been completed by the time of the indicator calculation and the actual hours spent on the completed tasks. The index shows whether the hours spent are in line with what was planned at a given time, but it does not provide information on the achieved result based on the spent hours. If the index is >1, it indicates that planning was well done. If the index is <1, it indicates that the planning needs to be reviewed. Formula: PV/AC

  • SPI - Scheduled Performance Index
    The indicator provides information on the efficiency of project progress compared to the planned schedule and represents the ratio between Earned Value and Planned Value at the time of index calculation. If the index is >1, it indicates that the project is progressing faster than planned so far, and completion might be earlier than anticipated. If the index is <1, it indicates that the project is behind the planned schedule so far, and completion might be delayed beyond the planned date. Formula: EV/PV

Two jobs in the main scheduler populate the indexes with data at 8AM and 4PM on a daily basis:
  • Generates pm_indexes_all_projects at 8h
  • Generates pm_indexes_all_projects at 16h

Staff utilization

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