Remote work requests
/Approve Remote Work
Approve Remote Work
The Approve Remote Work Requests feature allows managers to efficiently review and approve employee requests for remote work. With multiple access points and streamlined tools, managers can handle pending requests seamlessly and maintain an up-to-date schedule for their teams.
Email Notifications
Upon submission of a remote work request, managers receive an email notification containing a direct link to approve or reject the request.
Location: Email.
Clicking the link directs the manager to the resolution page, where they can approve or reject the request.
Location: Approval request. Highlighted are the resolution buttons.
Home Screen Approvals
Managers can view pending remote work requests directly on the main screen under the "Approval Requests" section for quick access.
Location: Main screen. Highlighted is the "Approval Requests" section.
Selecting a request navigates to the resolution page, enabling managers to take appropriate action.
Location: Approval request. Highlighted are the resolution buttons.
Employee Profile Approvals
Pending remote work requests can also be accessed through the employee profile. Click on your profile image in the top-right corner to navigate to your profile page.
Location: Home screen. Highlighted is the user's image, leading to the profile page.
Within the profile, navigate to the "Requests" section to view and manage all pending remote work requests.
Selecting any pending request allows the manager to proceed with approval or rejection.
Location: Employee profile > Approval request. Highlighted are the resolution buttons.