User's guide /

Human capital


Time-off requests

Submitting Vacation Requests

Learn how to efficiently submit vacation requests and manage your time-off preferences with ease.

1. Access the "Vacations" module.
2. Choose the desired time frame.
3. Selected Vacation type (Paid, Unpaid, Sick leave)
3. Optionally, select a replacement and provide a comment.
4. Attach a file or take a photo of the document (Note: This is particularly relevant for sick leave notices or other special vacation types).
5. Click "Submit" to send your request (Note: an email notification for approval will be automatically sent to the direct manager).

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request

Video instructions:

Appoint replacement during your vacation:

Managing Requests on Behalf of Employees

OBS enables managers to both submit and cancel vacation requests on behalf of their subordinates when employees are unable to do so themselves.
To manage requests for one of your employees, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Vacations module.

2. Choose the "Request on behalf of" option.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted is the button labeled "Request on behalf of".

3. A dropdown menu will appear, displaying all subordinates. Select the employee for whom you wish to manage requests.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted is the dropdown menu where managers can select one of their employees to submit/cancel a request for.

4. The calendar and request table will automatically update with the selected employee's relevant data.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted is the location where you can see the selected employee, whom the manager will manage requests for.

At this stage, you can:

 - Submit vacation requests: Choose a timeframe and submit the request as demonstrated in chapter Submitting Vacation Requests.

 - Cancel existing requests: Navigate to the request table under the calendar, select a request, and click "Cancel" as demonstrated in chapter Cancel Vacation Requests.

Submit Sick leave

This table outlines the necessary steps to submit a sick leave request within the "Vacations" module.

Step Action
1. Access the "Vacations" module.
2. Choose the desired time frame.
3. Select "Sick leave" as vacation type.
4. Optionally, select a replacement and provide a comment.
5. Attach a file or take a photo of the document. Note: File attachment can also be completed at a later stage as demonstrated in chapter "Attach Sick Leave Document After Creation".
6. Click "Submit" to finalize your request. Note: sick leave does not require an approval.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted option for attachment.

Submit Sick leave during approved vacation period

In OBS, you can create a sick leave notice even during an already approved vacation period.
The process initially follows the same steps as submitting a regular Sick Leave Notice.
The key difference is that when an employee on vacation falls sick, they can submit a sick leave request, which overrides their vacation time for the duration of their illness.
The system automatically adjusts the vacation dates accordingly and generates a new vacation request to cover the remaining days of absence.
This allows for seamless management of absences within the system.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. The requested sick leave period is highlighted, indicating it falls within the already approved vacation request.


Imagine an employee has an approved time-off for 19-Feb - 01-Mar.
However, on 22-Feb, they fall sick and need to take sick leave for 22-Feb - 26-Feb.
Here's how the process works:

1. The employee logs into OBS and submits a sick leave request for 22-Feb - 26-Feb, attaching the necessary document.
2. Normally, the system does not allow overlapping requests, but it makes an exception for sick leave. Therefore, the sick leave request is allowed.
3. To accommodate the sick leave, the system automatically adjusts the original vacation request. In this case, the vacation is shortened to 19-Feb - 21-Feb.
4. Note: The sick leave from 22-Feb - 26-Feb is recorded successfully.
5. Finally, the system generates a new approved vacation request to cover the remaining days of absence that were already approved - 27-Feb - 01-Mar.

Confirmation message from the system. after submitting sick leave during approved vacation period.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted: Calendar after submitting sick leave during approved vacation period.

Note: If the vacation request was approved and signed electronically, the process remains unchanged.
There's no need for additional signatures.
The system already contains a document signed for approved time-off for 19-Feb - 01-Mar, along with a sick leave document covering 22-Feb - 26-Feb, which overrides the approved time-off.
Therefore, no further signatures are necessary.

Attach Sick Leave Document After Creation

To attach a sick leave document after it has been submitted without being attached, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Vacations module and Click on the "Vacations" button to access all requests.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted is the "Vacations" button.

2. Select the relevant record and open it for editing.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted is the sick leave request along with the "Edit" option.

3. Navigate to the "Files" tab and upload the document. You can either drag the file and drop it into the highlighted area, or click on the area to open your device and select the document.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted is tab "Files" along with the attachments functionality. 

4. Click "Save" to complete the procedure.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted is button "Save".

Cancel Vacation Requests

Explore the streamlined process of managing vacation cancellations within the Vacations module.
This section provides step-by-step guidance on canceling requests, facilitating efficient coordination between employees and managers.
Please note that approved vacation requests require a cancellation request to be submitted, which then needs approval (and e-signing if enabled) before completion.

1. Open module "Vacations".

2. Navigate to the table under the calendar, where you'll find a comprehensive overview of all your requests from the past three months.

3. To cancel a request, click the "Cancel" button. This will send an email notification to the manager with a link for approving the vacation cancellation.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. Highlighted are the buttons for requesting a cancellation of approved vacation request. 

When the manager approves the cancellation request, the original vacation request will be automatically withdrawn. 
Afterwards, the shift codes will be updated to match the ones originally set for the specific days assigned to the employee before approval.

Employees can review their cancellation requests in module "Cancelled vacation requests": 

Location: Home screen. Highlighted is module "Cancelled vacation requests". 

Cancellation of absence requests depends on the current status of the request, and the following possibilities exist:

1. Status: "Cancelled", "Rejected", or "Approval Expired":
Requests with these statuses are already final and cannot be cancelled again. The system automatically notifies this and does not allow additional actions.

2. Status: "Pending Approval":
Requests that are still in the approval process can be cancelled directly. Upon cancellation, the system notifies both the employee and their manager.

3. Status: "Sick Leave":
Sick leave requests can be cancelled if there is an error in their submission. It is important to note that sick leaves for past periods cannot be cancelled.

4. Status: "Approved" (N.B. This is not "Approved and Signed" status):
For approved requests, the system verifies whether electronic signatures are required for the request being cancelled:
- If E-Signatures are required: Cancellation is not possible until the necessary signatures are obtained or until their deadline.
- If E-Signatures are not required: A new cancellation request is created, which must be approved (and signed, if necessary).

5. Status: "Approved and Signed":
- For requests already approved and signed, the system initiates a cancellation process, which requires approval and, if necessary, an electronic signature.

Vacation Request Approvals

There are multiple locations where managers can access the page for pending approval requests:

Email Notification Link:

When an employee submits a request, an email notification is sent containing a link to the approval/rejection page.

Location: Email.

Clicking on this link will direct you to the page for resolution.

Location: Approval request. Highlighted are the buttons for resolution.

Main Screen:

On the main screen, managers can easily identify pending requests awaiting their attention within the "Approval Requests" section.

Location: Main screen. Highlighted it section "Approval requests'.

Clicking on a request will navigate you to the resolution page.

Location: Approval request. Highlighted are the buttons for resolution.

Employee Profile (Self-Service Portal):

Access your employee profile by clicking on your image in the top right corner of the screen.

Location: Home screen. Highlighted is the user's image. Clicking on it will lead you to your employee profile.

Within your profile, navigate to the "Requests" section to view all pending requests.

Location: Employee profile. Highlighted is section "Requests".

Click on a request to open it and proceed with approval or rejection.

Location: Employee profile > Approval request. Highlighted are the buttons for resolution.

Generating Vacation Request PDF (Not Required with Electronic Signatures)

Explore how to generate PDFs for vacation requests effortlessly within the Vacations module.
This section provides a step-by-step guide to creating PDF copies of vacation records, offering convenient options for previewing and downloading documents.

1. Access the "Vacations" module by navigating to Home > Employee > Vacations.

2. Click on "Vacations" at the top-left corner to view all vacation records.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. The "Vacations" module is highlighted and can be opened by clicking on it.

3. Select the vacation you want to generate a PDF for, then click "Edit" to open it.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > All. The "Edit" button is highlighted within the dropdown menu that appears when clicking on one of the requests.

4. Click the "Print" button and choose from the following options:
- "Preview" to view the document
- "Generate PDF file" to create and download a PDF copy

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Edit. The "Print" button is highlighted, along with the two options: Preview and Generate PDF File.

Electronic Signature Process

When someone requests a vacation, our system goes through a few simple checks to decide if an electronic signature is needed for the request:

Step Criteria and Action
1. Checking General Rules First, the system looks at whether electronic signatures are needed for all time-off requests. If not, then no electronic signature is required.
2. Office Policy Review Next, it checks if the employee's office specifically requires electronic signatures. If not, the request doesn't need one.
3. Considering the Vacation Type The system also considers the type of time-off being requested. Some types might not need an electronic signature, even if it's generally required.
4. Respecting Employee Choices Finally, it checks if the employee has chosen not to use electronic signatures. If so, their request won’t need one, regardless of other rules.

In summary, our system ensures that the electronic signature requirement matches both our company policies and the employee's preferences, ensuring a smooth and compliant process.

Note 1: Please refer to the "Configuration" section for more information on setting up these configurations.
Note 2: For the E-Signature integration to function properly, it is important to enter employee data such as nationality, personal number (if applicable), personal phone number, and personal email.

To check if an electronic signature is required for a vacation request, simply navigate to the vacation request page.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Edit > E-Signature. Highlighted is the button that indicates whether an electronic signature is required.

Vacation Request Process

Step Description
1. Submission and Approval The process begins with the employee submitting a vacation request. The manager then reviews and decides whether to approve or reject the request.
2. Electronic Signature Check After approval, the system verifies if an electronic signature is necessary for the request:
  • If no signature is required, the process ends here, and the vacation is approved.
  • If a signature is necessary, the next steps apply.
3. Document Generation The system automatically creates a PDF document and attaches it to the vacation request.
4. Sending for Signature The document is then sent to the requesting employee through their Evrotrust app for electronic signature.
5. Employee Signature Once received, the employee signs the document electronically using Evrotrust.
6. Manager Approval After the employee signs, Evrotrust sends the document back to the system, which then forwards it to the employee's direct manager for signature.
7. Final Approval The direct manager signs the document using Evrotrust, and upon completion, the system updates the status of the vacation request to "Approved and Signed."

All relevant documents, including the unsigned original, the document signed by the requester, and the document signed by both the requester and their direct manager, are easily accessible within the vacation request.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Edit > Files. Highlighted is tab "Files" where all related documents are found.

Managing Expired Documents

Our system proactively notifies users at least 24 hours before a document's expiration via email notification.

If the requester or their direct manager fail to sign the document by the deadline, it will expire.
Upon expiration, the system updates the request status to "Approval Expired," effectively canceling the request. While the request is internally approved, the e-signature process remains incomplete.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Edit. Highlighted are the status (set to "Approval Expired") and the section where information regarding expiration, signatures, and their timestamps can be found.

Additionally, any applied shift codes are restored to their original state, reverting the request to its pre-approval status.
In essence, an expired request is treated as if it were never approved.

Next, if the employee still requires leave, they must submit a new request, which will undergo the standard approval and e-signature process once again.

Note: The expiration days for each document sent for e-signature to Evrotrust are set in Control Panel > Admin panel > Settings > Evrotrust expiration days (evrotrust_expiration_days)

E-Signature Status Verification

To confirm the electronic signature status of a time-off request, open the request and navigate to the "E-Signature" section.
Within this section, you'll find:
 - Signature Requirement: Indicates if an E-Signature is needed for the request.
 - Expiration Status: Indicates if the document has expired, along with the timestamp.
 - Requester Signature: Indicates if the requester has signed the document, along with the timestamp.
 - Manager Signature: Indicates if the direct manager has signed the document, along with the timestamp.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Edit. Highlighted is the section where information regarding expiration, signatures, and their timestamps can be found.

Review Historical Vacation Data

Easily stay informed about the status of your time-off requests, from pending to approved, through the intuitive "Vacation" module.
Access your requests effortlessly and keep track of their progress with ease.

1. Access the "Vacation" module.

2. Click on "Vacations" at the top-left corner to view all vacation requests in a table format.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Request. The "Vacations" module is highlighted and can be opened by clicking on it.

3. Review Your Time-Off Requests

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > All.

Note: Employees can only see their own requests, while managers have access to requests from their subordinates and their subordinates' subordinates, and so on.

Review the team planning (time-off calendar)

Discover how to efficiently review your team's time-off schedule with the My Team Planning report.
This section provides simple steps to access, filter, and optionally export or print the calendar, offering flexibility and ease of use for effective team management.

1. Access the "My Team Planning" report.

Location: Home. Highlighted is the "My team planning" report.

2. View the schedule for the desired month by filtering the period.
Note: The system defaults to the logged user's department in the filter.

Location: Home > Employee > Team Planning. Highlighted are the filter features. 

3. (Optional) Export the report to excel using the "Export" button.

Location: Home > Employee > Team Planning. Highlighted is the export feature.

4. (Optional) Print the report using the Print button.

Location: Home > Employee > Team Planning. Highlighted is the print feature.

Annual vacation balance

At OBS, employees can easily check their vacation balance for both the current and past years.
To do so, simply go to the Vacations module and click on the number of Remaining days. 

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations. Highlighted is the number of remaining vacation days. 

A pop-up will appear, displaying the relevant information.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations. Highlighted is the pop-up table with annual balances. 

Video instructions how to view your vacation balance:

Notification Email Overview

Our emails are clear and detailed, guiding all employees through each step.
Whether you're the person requesting, the manager, or a replacement, you'll get all the information you need.
This approach keeps everything transparent and everyone accountable.

Email templates can be customized.
Add your logo, adjust the message to fit your style, and choose who gets the email.

OBS ensures effective communication by sending timely email notifications for important events as listed below:

In module "Vacations":

Notification Trigger Email Image
When a request is submitted and is now pending approval.
When a request is approved.
When a request is rejected.
When a request is cancelled.
When sick leave is submitted.
When sick leave is cancelled.
When a request expires due to the document not being e-signed by the employee/manager.
When the e-signing process has been successfully completed.

In module "Vacation Cancellation Requests":

Notification Trigger Email Image
When a vacation cancellation is submitted for approval.
When a vacation cancellation is approved.
When a vacation cancellation is rejected.
When a vacation cancellation expires due to the document not being e-signed by the employee/manager.
When the e-signing process has been successfully completed.

In summary, OBS's dedication to smooth communication is evident in its quick notification system for key events related to vacation requests and cancellations.
By providing timely updates on submissions, approvals, rejections, cancellations, and e-signing processes, users can confidently handle their tasks and duties.

Managing Past Period Requests

OBS restricts the submission and cancellation of past vacations.
However, we understand that circumstances may arise, and thus, we provide options to address such situations.


1. Navigate to the Vacations section and click on the screwdriver wrench icon. This will open the "Vacation restrictions" menu.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations. Highlighted is the button that opens "Vacation restrictions".

2. Deactivate the necessary restrictions based on whether the past request is within the current month or from a previous month.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Vacation restrictions. Highlighted are the buttons for acitvating/deactivating the restrictions.

3. Submit or cancel the necessary request. Please note that this action should be performed by the same user who deactivated the restrictions. The option to submit or cancel requests on behalf of employees can be utilized if needed.

4. Once the request is processed, re-activate all restrictions to ensure proper system functioning.

Location: Home > Employee > Vacations > Vacation restrictions. Highlighted are the current statuses of the restrictions. Note: They shall be active. 

Restrictions Overview:

 - lock_planning_for_modifications:
This restriction locks planning for the past month.
If you need to submit, approve, or cancel requests for past months, this restriction shall be temporarily deactivated.
It is active in modules such as Vacations, Shifts, Cancelled vacation requests, Home office requests, and Overtime requests.

 - disable_cancellation_of_vacations:
This restriction applies solely to the "Vacations" module.
If you need to cancel a past request that does not require approval, such as "Sick leave," then you need to temporarily deactivate this restriction.

 - disable_cancellation_requests:
This restriction is specific to the "Cancelled vacation requests" module.
If you need to approve a cancellation for a past period, then you need to temporarily deactivate this restriction.

Depending on the scenario, one, two, or all of the three restrictions may need to be temporarily deactivated by a user with the appropriate privileges.

Conclusion: Understanding Past Period Request Management

Managing past period requests in OBS involves navigating through specific restrictions to ensure effective handling of vacation submissions and cancellations.
Let's explore a couple of scenarios to illustrate how these restrictions work in practice:

Scenario 1: Submitting a Vacation Request for a Past Month
1. Imagine an employee forgets to submit their vacation request for the previous month.
2. In response, the HR manager navigates to the Vacations section, deactivates the "lock_planning_for_modifications" restriction, and submits the request on behalf of the employee.
3. Following submission, the HR manager proceeds to approve the vacation request.
4. If an E-Signature is required, the system will initiate the e-signature process.
5. Most importantly, immediately after the HR manager approves the vacation request, they reactivate the "lock_planning_for_modifications" restriction to uphold system integrity.

Scenario 2: Cancelling a Past Vacation Request
1. Imagine an employee needs to cancel a vacation request from two months ago.
2. To do this, the HR manager accesses the Vacations module, deactivates the "lock_planning_for_modifications" and the "disable_cancellation_of_vacations" restriction, and cancels the request.
3. This will create a vacation cancellation request that the HR manager can approve.
4. If an E-Signature is required, the system will automatically initiate the process.
5. Most importantly, immediately after the HR manager approves the vacation cancellation request, they reactivate both the "lock_planning_for_modifications" and "disable_cancellation_of_vacations" restrictions to maintain system integrity.

Scenario 3: Cancelling Past Sick Leave Requests in the Current Month
1. Consider a scenario where, at the end of the month, an employee needs to cancel a sick leave request that they mistakenly submitted one week prior.
2. To do this, the HR manager accesses the Vacations module, deactivates the "disable_cancellation_of_vacations" and cancels the request.
3. Most importantly, immediately after the HR manager approves the vacation cancellation request, they reactivate the "disable_cancellation_of_vacations" restriction to maintain system integrity.

For further details on the settings, please refer to the Configuration section.

Policies and Limits

Time-off Request Restrictions:
- Employees cannot request time off before their start date or after their end date.
- Sick leave cannot overlap with existing time-off periods.
- Vacation requests are limited to one calendar year.   

E-Signature Requirements:
- Vacation requests can be signed electronically, offering flexibility based on office and personal preferences. Employees have the option to opt out of electronic signatures if desired.

Balance and Remaining Days:
- Remaining vacation days are calculated based on office policies and holidays.
- Employees must ensure that their requested leave aligns with their available balance to avoid going into negative leave balances.

Holiday Calendar Synchronization:
 - Worldwide Holidays: Our holiday calendar includes the EU, UK, Switzerland, Serbia, and other countries as requested. This feature makes sure employees can see holidays specific to their location, helping in better planning of vacation time.
 - Custom Updates: If there's a need to adjust holiday dates due to changes or specific requirements, our system permits manual updates to the holiday calendar. This option offers the flexibility to ensure the calendar remains accurate and meets the diverse needs of our team across different regions.

Duplicate Requests:
- Employees cannot submit multiple requests for the same time-off period to ensure fairness.
- Time-off requests cannot overlap with approved business trips.

Yearly Limits and Notification:
- Vacation requests must adhere to yearly limits set by company policies.
- Employees receive notifications if their requests violate company policies or if they have insufficient leave balance.

Locking Schedule Changes:
- Changes to past month schedules are locked based on customizable preferences set by clients.
- Once the schedule locking date passes, no further changes can be made.
- Employees attempting changes after this date are instructed to contact HR for assistance.

Cancellation Policy:
- Vacation requests cannot be cancelled retroactively once the start date has passed.
- If a cancellation is attempted after the start date and the original status is not a template or pending approval, an exception is raised.
- Employees are advised to contact HR if cancellation is necessary to maintain stable vacation schedules and minimize disruptions.

Reminders and Notifications

In OBS ERP, the Reminders and Notifications feature provides users with timely updates and alerts regarding time-off requests, shifts, and other important scheduling information.
Below are four types of reminder notifications included in the system.

1. Upcoming Time-off Reminders:
Notify employees of their scheduled time-off requests a few days in advance: three days before and one day before the requested time-off.
This ensures proper scheduling and coverage planning.

Subject line: Upcoming Time-Off: Your Approved Vacation Starts in 3 Days

2. Pending Approval Time-off Reminders for Managers:
Managers receive reminders for pending time-off requests awaiting their approval: three days before and one day before the requested time-off.
This facilitates timely decision-making.

Subject line: Action Required: Approve or Reject Time-Off Request Starting in 3 Days

3. Weekly Manager's Planning Notification:
Managers receive notifications every Friday containing planned shifts and time-offs for their team members for the upcoming week.
This aids in effective team schedule management.

Subject line: Notice: Team planning for next week

4. Employee's Weekly Planning Notification:
Employees receive notifications every Friday with planned shifts and time-offs for the following week.
This empowers employees to organize their work schedule proactively.

Subject line: Your Schedule for Next Week

5. Unresolved Vacation Requests: Monthly Report and Review:

On the 1st of each month, managers receive a detailed report summarizing all unresolved vacation requests within the organization.
The report includes requests that are pending approval as well as those that have not been sent for approval.
This automated notification ensures that unresolved vacation requests are addressed promptly, helping to maintain smooth operations.

Subject line: Unresolved Vacation Requests: Monthly Report and Review

Additionally, OBS ERP offers a flexible automation tool that allows users to configure custom reminders tailored to their specific needs.
Notifications can be set up for different types of data, recipients, and time intervals, ensuring that important information is communicated effectively throughout the organization.
By integrating standard notifications with customizable reminders, OBS ERP offers a robust solution for effectively managing time-off requests and streamlining workforce scheduling processes.

Reports and Analytics

In OBS ERP, the Reports and Analysis section provides valuable insights into various aspects of workforce management. Through a range of comprehensive reports, users can efficiently track and analyze critical data, aiding in informed decision-making and optimizing organizational processes. Below are the key reports available in this section:

My Team Planning Report:

This report presents a calendar-like view of your team's planning, allowing you to visualize the scheduled activities and time-offs of team members. It facilitates effective coordination and resource allocation within your team.

Location: Home > Employee > Team Planning.

Remaining Vacation Days Report:

The Remaining Vacation Days report offers a detailed breakdown of paid leave entitlements at the beginning of the year, including contracted days, transferred days from previous years, days taken, and remaining days available until the end of the current year. It enables users to monitor and manage leave balances efficiently.

Location: Home > Vacation Related Reports > Remaining Vacation Days.

Worked Hours Breakdown Report:

This report provides a comprehensive breakdown of worked hours by each employee, presented in a calendar format. It serves as a valuable tool for payroll processing and monitoring employee productivity.

Location: Home > Schedule Related Reports > Worked Hours Breakdown.

Vacation Sign-Off Tracker Report:
The Vacation Sign-Off Tracker report offers insights into vacation requests, including whether they have been electronically signed or not. It also tracks the status of sign-off requests, indicating if they have expired or if cancellation requests have been initiated. This report ensures accountability and transparency in the vacation approval process.
To provide a comprehensive view of the Vacation Sign-Off Tracker report, it has been divided into three screenshots for easier comprehension.

 - Vacation Request Details

Location: Home > Vacation Related Reports > Vacation Sign-Off Tracker. The first screenshot displays detailed information about each vacation request, including the employee's name, requested dates, vacation type, and any additional comments.

 - Sign-Off Status

Location: Home > Vacation Related Reports > Vacation Sign-Off Tracker. The second screenshot illustrates the sign-off status of each request, indicating whether it has been electronically signed by both the employee and the manager. This section ensures clarity regarding the approval process and highlights any pending sign-offs.

 - Cancellation Requests

Location: Home > Vacation Related Reports > Vacation Sign-Off Tracker. The third screenshot focuses on any cancellation requests initiated for specific vacation requests. It tracks the status of these requests, providing visibility into the cancellation process and ensuring accountability in managing changes to approved vacations.

These reports empower users to gain deeper insights into workforce dynamics, optimize resource allocation, and ensure compliance with organizational policies and regulations.

Integration with HR Platforms

Integration with HR Platforms:
- Our system offers the ability to connect with various HR platforms through an API (Application Programming Interface).
- This API facilitates bidirectional data exchange, enabling seamless communication between our system and other platforms.
- Data can be sent from our system to others and vice versa, either triggered by specific events or on a scheduled basis.
- This connectivity allows for efficient information sharing and synchronization, enhancing collaboration and data consistency across different systems.

Customized Reports and Data Export:
- Additionally, we provide the capability to generate tailor-made reports to suit specific needs.
- These reports can be easily exported in Excel format for convenient sharing and further analysis.
- Moreover, the exported data can be imported into other systems if required, facilitating seamless data exchange and interoperability between different software solutions.