Introducing a New Module "Bank Statements"
What does module "Bank statements" offer? |
- Fully automated importing of bank transactions into OBS ERP
- Automation when a payment is received - creating a project or/and assigning a task
- Processing received bank statements every hour
- Notice when a payment on a given invoice/proforma is received
- Automatically sending an email notification upon received payment
- Monitoring all bank account balances directly in OBS ERP
Results after the implementation of module "Bank statements" |
- Timely processing of payments
- Reduction of administrative efforts related to the processing of bank statements
What shall I do to use the module? |
- Contact us and we will install the module in your ERP instance
Additional requirements |
- Your bank must send bank statements to an email address you have specified
- Bank statements must be in MT940 format (SWIFT standard)
- The email address that receives statements must be registered in OBS ERP