Leave management
/Automated Yearly Leave Rollovers
Automated Yearly Leave Rollovers
OBS ensures a seamless transition into the new year by automatically calculating and updating employees' vacation balances. This automation combines unused days from the previous year with the new year’s entitlement, ensuring accurate and effortless management of vacation days.
How It Works
On January 1st, at 00:05, the system performs the following steps:
- Carry Over Unused Days: Any unused vacation days from the previous year are automatically transferred to the new year.
- Add New Year’s Vacation Days: The vacation entitlement specified in the employee's contract for the new year is added to the carried-over days.
- Update the Vacation Balance: The total number of vacation days is updated in the field “Vacation Days for Current Year” in the Team module.
Imagine an employee starts with 22 vacation days in 2024:
- Days Used in 2024: 18
- Unused Days (Carried Over): 22 - 18 = 4
- Contractual Vacation Days for 2025: 20
- Total Vacation Days for 2025: 4 (carried over) + 20 (new entitlement) = 24
Why It’s Important
The automation ensures:
- Employees always have an accurate and up-to-date vacation balance.
- Unused vacation days are carried over seamlessly, eliminating potential loss.
- Manual intervention is unnecessary, ensuring consistency and reliability.
In some countries, such as Turkey and France, local labor laws may prevent the carry-over of vacation days. In these cases:
- Only the contractual vacation days for the new year are added to the balance.
- Any unused days from the previous year are not transferred.
Note: Exceptions are based on agreements between employers and employees or specific company policies.
Important Notes for Accurate Data
To ensure the annual vacation balance is calculated accurately, the following conditions must be met:
- All Paid Leave Requests Must Be Registered: Approved paid leave requests for the current year must be entered and resolved in the system. Pending approvals do not deduct days from the vacation balance.
- Accurate Vacation Days Per Contract: The “Vacation Days Per Contract” field in the Staff module must reflect correct values.
- Balance Calculation at Year-End: The vacation balance depends on registered leave requests and the “Vacation Days for Current Year” field in the Staff module.
Note: The system automatically updates the “Vacation Days for Current Year” field after the automation runs on January 1st.